Create USMC Task - CreateUSMCTask
Create USMC Task
Public Parameters
Parameter Name | Type | Description Information | Required |
Action | string | Corresponding API command name, the current API is CreateUSMCTask . | Yes |
PublicKey | string | The user’s public key can be obtained from Console | Yes |
Signature | string | User signature generated based on public key and API command, see Signature Algorithm | Yes |
Request Parameters
Parameter Name | Type | Description Information | Required |
Name | string | Task name, length cannot exceed 128 | Yes |
AgentId | string | Client ID | Yes |
TargetRegion | string | Target Region | Yes |
TargetZone | string | Target Availability Zone | Yes |
TargetVPCId | string | Target VPCId, default is ‘default’ | Yes |
TargetSubnetId | string | Target subnet ID, default is ‘default’ | Yes |
PlanId | string | Migration Plan ID | Yes |
TargetUHostPassword | string | Target Machine Password | Yes |
Incremental | string | Whether to enable automatic incrementation, default is off true/false | No |
Interval | string | When Incremental is set to true, it specifies the interval for incremental synchronization, in minutes. | No |
BandwidthLimit | string | The maximum speed setting, unit in MB/s, public network/dedicated line (0, 56], user network (0, 1024], if not filled/exceeded, the default is peak value. | No |
MachineType | string | Machine Type | No |
MinimalCpuPlatform | string | CPU Platform | No |
EIPOperatorName | string | [If EIP is bound, this parameter is required] The line of the Elastic IP. Enumeration value: International: International BGP: Bgp | No |
EIPBandwidth | string | EIP Bandwidth | No |
EIPPayMode | string | Elastic IP Bandwidth, Enumeration values: “Traffic”, Traffic Billing; “Bandwidth”, Bandwidth Billing; “ShareBandwidth”, Shared Bandwidth Mode. “Free”: Free Bandwidth Mode. Default is “Bandwidth”. | No |
EIPShareBandwidthId | string | The ID of the bound shared bandwidth, only effective when PayMode is set to ShareBandwidth. | No |
DataDiskType | string | Data disk type, enumeration value is the same as the disk type. Use the system disk type when not specified. | No |
Gpu | int | Number of GPU card cores. Only GPU models support this field (optional range related to MachineType+GpuType). | No |
GpuType | string | GPU type, enumeration values [“K80”, “P40”, “V100”, “T4”,“T4A”, “T4S”,“2080Ti”,“2080Ti-4C”,“1080Ti”, “T4/4”, “MI100”, “V100S”,2080”,“2080TiS”,“2080TiPro”,“3090”,“A100”], required when MachineType is G. | No |
Cpu | int | Number of virtual CPU cores. The default value is the number of cores of the source host. | No |
Memory | int | Memory size. Unit: MB. The default value is the memory size of the source machine. | No |
UDSetId | string | [Private Zone Properties] Zone ID | No |
UDHostId | string | [Private Zone Property] Host ID of the zone | No |
HostBinding | boolean | [UDSet Attributes] Enable the residence association attribute for the UDSet UHost. | No |
TargetUHostChargeType | string | The billing type of the target machine, the value can be Year, Month, Dynamic, default is Dynamic. | No |
TargetUHostQuantity | string | The billing cycle of the target machine, default is 1, can be 0 when StopOverHostChargeType is Month. | No |
TargetUHostPrivateIp | string | Target machine’s internal network IP | No |
SystemDiskType | string | System disk type, enumeration values: “CLOUD_RSSD”, RSSD cloud disk; “CLOUD_SSD”, SSD cloud disk. Default is CLOUD_RSSD. | No |
SecGroupId.N.Id | string | Security Group ID. Up to 5 security groups can be bound at the same time. | No |
SecGroupId.N.Priority | string | Security Group Priority. Value range [1, 5] | No |
Response Field
Field Name | Type | Description Information | Required |
RetCode | int | Return status code. If it is 0, it means successful return. If it is not 0, it means failure. | Yes |
Action | string | Operation command name. | Yes |
Message | string | Returns an error message, providing detailed description when RetCode is non-zero. | No |
Data | object | CreateUSMCTaskResData | No |
Request Example
Response Example
"Action": "CreateUSMCTaskResponse",
"Data": {},
"Message": "aJpSfwDp",
"RetCode": 0