Physical Cloud Host(UPHost)

API Index

APIDescription Information
CreatePHostCreate Physical Machine
CreatePHostImageCreate BareMetal 2.0 User-defined Image
DescribeBaremetalMachineTypeGet detailed information about BareMetal machine types
DescribePHostObtain physical machine information
DescribePHostImageObtain Physical Machine Image
DescribePHostMachineTypeGet physical cloud machine type information
DescribePHostTagsObtain Physical Machine Business Group
GetPHostDiskUpgradePriceGet the upgrade price for mounting cloud disk on physical cloud BareMetal
GetPHostPriceGet physical machine price
ModifyPHostImageInfoModify Physical Cloud Custom Image Information
ModifyPHostInfoModify Physical Machine Information
PoweroffPHostPower-off Physical Machine
RebootPHostReboot Physical Machine
ReinstallPHostReinstall Physical Machine
ResetPHostPasswordReset Instance Password
ResizePHostAttachedDiskModify the size of the mounted disk
StartPHostStart Physical Machine
StopPHostTurn off the physical machine
TerminatePHostDelete Physical Machine
TerminatePHostImageDelete BareMetal 2.0 User-Defined Image